What is YAEF?

The Young Adult Endowment Fund (YAEF) was established in 1999 by two generous members of the congregation to provide financial grants to the young adults of CMCL.

Young adults include those in the 18-25 age range who are members or regular attendees of CMCL or whose parents are members or regular attendees. The interest from the endowment provides the cash flow for a spring and fall check to be sent every year during the young person’s eligibility. Depending on the amount of funds available, each person can expect to get a check of approximately $100 twice a year. Again, depending on the amount of money available for distribution, additional requests for funding of special projects are considered by the committee and funds are provided to young adults on a case by case basis.

Members of the committee meet at least twice a year. Each of them has a group of young adults with whom they keep in contact by e-mail, informal get togethers, visits, etc. At meetings they share stories and updates about contacts and decide the cash distributions based on the money available from the fund’s performance. Connectedness also includes involvement with CMCL sponsored youth activities. Currently there are fifty young adults in the group.

Committee members must be persons who do not have a conflict of interest with regards to the young people who are eligible to receive money. The committee is responsible to church council, and new committee members are selected by the committee and approved by Council. The size of the committee is determined by the number of young adults eligible to receive funds.

Annual Report 2023